Artikler og bøger

– Faglige artikler og bøger indenfor den psykodynamiske og kognitive tilgang



Abbass, Allan (2015). “Reaching through Resistance: Advanced Psychotherapy Tecniques”. Seven Leaves Press.

Abbass, Allan & Schubiner, Howard (2018). “Hidden from View”. Psychophysiologic Press, Pleasant Ridge.

Alexander, Franz & French, Thomas M. (1980 (1946)). “Psychoanalytic Therapy – Principles and Application”. First Bison Book printing.

Belin, Sverker (2007). ”Relation før Metode”. Akademisk Forlag.

Belin, Sverker (1997). ”Galskabens magt”. Hans Reitzels forlag.

Bowlby, John (1984). “On Attachment and Psychotherapy – video lecture in London”.

Bowlby, John (1996). “At knytte og bryde nære bånd – tilknytning og tab, selvtillid og sorg”. Det lille forlag.

Bowlby, John (1994). “En sikker base – tilknytningsteoriens kliniske anvendelser”. Det lille forlag.

Burke, Walter F. & Tansey, Michael J. (1989). “Understanding countertransference – From Projective Identification to Empathy”. The Analytic Press.

Bretherton, Inge & Waters, Everett (1985). “Growing Points of Attachment Theory and Research”. Monographs of the Society for research in child development, serial nr. 209, vol. 50, nos. 1-2. 

Brubacker, Lorrie L. (2018). “Emotionsfokuseret parterapi – trin for trin”. Forlaget Mindspace.

Coughlin Della Selva, Patricia (2001). ”Intensiv dynamisk korttidsterapi”. Hans Reitzels Forlag.

Coughlin Della Selva, Patricia (2016). “Maximizing Effectiveness in Dynamic Psychotherapy”. Routledge.

Coughlin, Patricia (2023). “Facilitating the Process of Working Through in Psychotherapy – Mastering the Middle Game”. Routledge.

Davanloo, Habib (1978). “Basic Principles and Techniques in Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy”. Spectrum Publications Inc.

Davanloo, Habib (1980). “Short Term Dynamic Psychotehrapy”. 

Davanloo, Habib (1990). ”Unlocking the Unconscious”. Wiley.

Davanloo, Habib (2000). “Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy”. Wiley.

Firestone, Robert (1987). “The Fantasy Bond – Structure of Psychological Defenses”. The Glendon Association.

Firestone, Robert (1994). “Invisible child abuse”. DVD.

Firestone, Robert & Firestone, Lisa & Catlett, Joyce (2002). “Conquer your critical inner voice”. New Harbinger Publications, INC.

Firestone, Robert (2016). “Overcoming the destructive inner voice – True Stories of Therapy and Transformation”. Prometheus Books.

Frederickson, Jon (2013). ”Co-Creating Change”. Seven Leaves Press.

Frederickson, Jon (2017). “The Lies We Tell Ourselves”. Seven Leaves Press.

Frederickson, Jon (2020). “Co-Creating Safety”. Seven Leaves Press.

Freud, Anna (1984). ”Jeg’et og forsvarsmeanismerne”. Hans Reitzels Forlag.

Gabbard & Sallye (1994). ”Borderline behandling og modoverføring”. Hans Reitzels Forlag.

Gendlin, Eugene T.(1994). ”Fokusering – Hør hvad din krop fortæller dig”. Apostrof.

Gibson, Lindsay C. (2015). “Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents”. Raincoast Books.

Hanh, Thich Nhat (2006). “Fred er vejen”. Borgen.

Hanh, Thich Nhat (2013). “The art of communicating”. Rider.

Hendrix, Harville (1988). “Kærlighed og samliv”. Borgen.

Hoffmeyer & Jacobsen (2000). ”Jeg vil bestemme”. Forlaget Hoffmeyer.

Horner, Althea J. (1985). “Treating the Oedipal Patient in Brief Psychotherapy”. Jason Aronson Inc.

Hostrup, Hanne (2009). ”Gestaltterapi”. Hans Reitzels Forlag.

Hougaard, Esben (2006). “Kognitiv behandling af panikangst og socialfobi”. Dansk Psykologisk Forlag.

Igra, Ludvig (1988). ”Psykoterapi på liv og død”. Hans Reitzels Forlag.

Igra, ludvig (1989). ”Objektrelationer og psykoterapi”. Hans Reitzels Forlag.

Kabat-Zinn, Jon (2011). “Lige meget hvor du går hen er du der – at leve med fuld opmærksomhed”. Borgen.

Kabat-Zinn, Jon (2012). “Lev med livets katastrofer”. Dansk Psykologisk Forlag.

Kernberg, Otto (1978). “Object-Relations – Theory and Clinical Psychoanalysis”. Jason Aronson, Inc.

Kernberg, Otto (2004). “Aggressivity, Narcissism, Destructiveness in the Psychotherapeutic Relationship”. Yale University Press.

LeDoux, Joseph (1998). “The Emotional Brain”. Phoenix.

Levine, Peter (2005). “Helbredelse af traumer”. Borger.

Levine, Peter (2010). “Væk tigeren”. Borgen.

Levine, Peter (2012). “Den tavse stemme”. Hans Reitzels Forlag.

Malan, David (1992). “Individuel psykoterapi og den psykodynamiske videnskab”. Hans Reitzels Forlag.

Malan & Coughlin Della Selva (2007). ”Lives Transformed”. Karnac Books.

Mcdougall, Joyce (1982). “Jegets teater”. Hans Reitzels Forlag.

Mcdougall, Joyce (1989). “Kroppens teatre”. Hans Reitzels Forlag.

McWilliams, Nancy (2011). “Psychoanlytic Diagnosis – Understanding Personality Structure in the Clinical Process”. The Guilford Press.

Neborsky & Ten Have-De Labije (2012). ”Mastering Intensive Short-term Dynamic Psychotherapy – A Roadmap to the Unconscious”. Karnac.

Neborsky, Robert (2010). ”The Collected Writings of Robert J. Neborsky, MD”. Unlocking Press.

Oestrich, Irene Henriette (2008). “Selvværd og nye færdigheder – manual til terapeuten”. Dansk Psykologisk forlag.

Oestrich, Irene Henriette (2008). “Selvværd og nye færdigheder – manual til dig i udvikling”. Dansk Pskologisk forlag.

Rosenberg & Mørch (2005). “Kognitiv terapi – modeller og metoder”. Hans Reitzels Forlag.

Rothschild, Barbette (2004). ”Kroppen husker”. Forlaget Klim.

Schellenbaum, Peter (1989). ”De uelskedes sår”. Borgen.

Schellenbaum, Peter (2003). ”Farvel til selvødelæggelse – befri livsenergien”. Borgen.

Schnarch, David (2009). ” Intimacy & Desire”. Sterling Productions.

Siegel & Hartzell (2006). “Forældre indefra”. Akademisk Forlag.

Simon, Jette Sinkjær (2005). “Imago – kærlighedens terapi”. Dansk Psykologisk Forlag.

Shapiro, David (1999). “Neurotic Styles”. Basic Books.

Shapiro, Debbie (2000). ”Din krop spejler dit sind”. Sphinxforlag.

Sommerbeck, Lisbeth (2003). ”Klientcentreret terapi i psykiatrien”. Akademisk Forlag.

Ten Have-de Labije, Josette (2010). ”The Colected Writings of Josette ten Have-de Labije, Psyd”. Unlocking Press.

Tolle, Eckhart (2010). “Nuets kraft”. Borgen.

Visholm & Jakobsen (2000). “Parforholdet – forelskelse, krise, terapi”. Politisk Revy.

Warshow, Susan Warren (2022). “A Therapist’s Handbook to Dissolve Shame and Defense – Master the Moment”. Routledge.

Yalom, Irvin (1991). “Every Day Gets a Little Closer”. Basic Books.

Yalom, Irvin (1998). ”Eksistentiel psykoterapi”. Hans Reitzels Forlag.

Yalom, Irvin (1998). ”Kærlighedens bøddel”. Hans Reitzels Forlag.

Yalom, Irvin (1999). ”Meningen med livet”. Hans Reitzels Forlag.

Yalom, Irvin (1996). ”Sex, løgn og psykoterapi”. Hans Reitzels Forlag.

Yalom, Irvin (2003). ”Terapiens essens”. Hans Reitzels Forlag.

Yalom, Irvin (2005). ”The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy”. Basic Books.

Yalom, Irvin (2008). “Som at se på solen”. Hans Reizels Forlag.

Yalom, Irvin (2015). “Døgnfluernes Dans”. Hans Reitzels.

Yalom, Irvin (2017). “Becoming Myself”. Little, Brown Book Group.

Yalom, Irvin (1990). “Understanding Group Psychotherapy – volume I: Outpatients” – 2 DVD set.

Yalom, Irvin (1990). “Understanding Group Psychotherapy – volume II: Inpatients” – 2 DVD set.

Yalom, Irvin (1990). “Understanding Group Psychotherapy – volume III: An Interview” – 1 DVD.

Young, Jeffrey E. (1999). “Kognitiv terapi – personlighedsforstyrrelser”. Hans Reitzels Forlag.





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The Centre for Emotions and Health at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada v/Dr. Allan Abbass Allan Abbass | Author (